Efficiently manage your volunteers.

Overview table with all volunteers.

Detailed table of volunteers for each day of the event.

Volunteers can be grouped and sorted.

Each signup can be approved, reassigned or revoked.

Track No-Shows.

Efficiently manage your volunteers

Easily setup volunteer needs.

Easily setup volunteer needs.

Create volunteer shift needs for each day of your event.

Monitor the fill rate of the volunteer shifts.

Efficiently communicate with your volunteers.

Send announcements to your volunteers.

Each event has its own mailbox.

Volunteers message the event directly.

Organizers and coordinators can see all messages sent to the event in one centralized location.

Easily message a volunteer using the internal messaging system.

Efficiently communicate with your volunteers.

Helpful recruiting tools.

The system will automatically recruit volunteers living near an event.

Easily post recruiting messages to the EventingVolunteers.Com Facebook and Twitter pages.

Send recruiting emails to your volunteers.

Track volunteer hours with leaderboards.

Volunteer can check-in and check-out the day of an event to report their hours.

Easily monitor the reported hours.

Manually assign volunteer hours.

Automatically generate leaderboards for your venue.

Volunteers are automatically entered into the the national and area wide leaderboards.

Track volunteer hours with leaderboards.


Additional Features.

Signup questionnaires can be used to collect specific information from your volunteers.

Welcome and information pages can be added to the events public signup page.

Easily sign up for volunteer shifts.

Browse event listings and pick the desired shifts.

Find out who is also volunteering at the event.

Look up training videos and checklists.

Manage all your sign ups with the dashboard.

Easily sign up for volunteer jobs.

Qualify for Awards and Recognition.

National and Area awards.

Local venue awards may also be available. Contact your coordinator for more information.

Check out the leaderboards after an event to see your updated ranking.

Download the Mobile App.

iPhone / iPad.


Download the Mobile App.