Welcome to the Stone Gate Farm Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP) SIGN UP!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering @ Stone Gate Farm. For those who are new to VIP please read the information below to help you get started. For those who have volunteered before via VIP, I have one request; if you are signing up a friend or a family member, please make sure they have their own account. By doing so it streamlines the whole process for the volunteer coordinator and it makes for more accurate reporting of volunteer hours. Although some of you might not be interested in being considered for volunteer awards, we here at Stone Gate Farm would like to recognize your efforts!
Volunteer hours can automatically be logged in with an app on your cell phone (see the blue box at the top left of this page) or the there will be a sign in and sign out sheet at the event. This gives us the opportunity to have an up to date leader board that tracks volunteer hours for all the competitions at Stone Gate Farm not only for recognition but for awards and prizes. In addition, your volunteer hours will make you eligible for the new USEA Medal Program. Stone Gate Farm will be adding a Volunteer Medal Program as well this year where volunteers hours can be accrue over a lifetime of volunteering rather than just in one year. For more information go to the Volunteer Page on the SGF website
For those who have been participating in the cross country decorating, there has been a sign up added to Friday (even if you don't decorate on Fri) so we have record of the hours you put in to decorating the course. Again you may not be interested in having your volunteer hours recorded or acknowledged but we would like the competitors to have a better understanding of how many people and how many hours it takes to prepare the grounds and run the events for their enjoyment.
Should you have issues with this site or have questions, please click on the question mark on the upper right hand corner of this page. All other questions can be directed to me via e-mail at [email protected] or call or text me at 330-277-6964 (Cell / Text) or leave a message on the home phone 330-222-2089.
Thank you so much for your time and support, we couldn't run these events without you and your help is very much appreciated. Please join us for the 'Volunteer Appreciation Day' following the fall Hunter Pace.
Dave & Jackie
Release Forms: We are now asking everyone to sign an on-line with an e-signature which only has to be done once a year. Here's thelink to the NEW much more user friendly release form. Additionally, for the Winona Horse Trials and the Mini Trials, you will have to submit the USEF/USEA Waiver for Non-Competitors and send it to [email protected]
How to get started:
If you do not already have an account with Eventing Volunteer and you would like to volunteer for this and other competitions you will first need to set up an account.
Once complete, you will be redirected to the Volunteer Dashboard where you will click on the "Open Events" tab and look for the SGF logo and the competitions that you would like to volunteer
In the future, once you have set up an account, you will simply click the "I'm a Volunteer" and look for the Stone Gate Farm Logo under 'Venues' Instructions for signing up once you logged in and on the appropriate competition page:
click on the Events tap above that will take you to the list of competitions and click on the competition that you are interested in
next, click on event days
highlight the day(s) that you would like to sign up for
scroll down to see what positions are available
select the "sign up" button next to the shift you want to work
if you are available to work ALL day please check both AM & PM shifts
if there is no button, that means that all the slots for that position have been filled
if you'd like to help but you don't have time time for a full shift; sign up as a 'Floater" and your availability is in the 'comments' box.
jump judges who would like to be paired up with someone in particular or request a particular jump; make a note of that request in the 'comment' box
ARRIVAL TIMES - We ask all volunteers to sign in a half hour before their schedule shift begins. The schedule will be posted on the volunteer schedule page of the SGF website.
MEETING PLACE - The pavilion near the show jumping ring
PARKING - There will be a designated car parking area. You can check out the parking area map under the 'documents' tab on the sign up. Please remember, if there is dressage test going on in the ring closest to the drive we ask you to PLEASE wait until the end of the test.
Benefits of volunteering: Schooling vouchers for use on any part of the farm including the trail Park and the trails. You will also enjoy snacks & food, goodies donated for the volunteers. meet new people and hang out with friends or make new ones, learn about the sport from the experts.
What to bring: Every job is a little different, but in general, plan on being in the sun most of the day, we are eternal optimists, and dress for the weather. Mornings can be very cold and then warm that same afternoon. It is always best to dress in layers. Some items you might want to consider bringing/wearing... a chair, sunscreen, chap stick, a hat, closed toe shoes and get ready for an enjoyable day. Also, if you have special request/needs, please note those when you sign up.
Resources: For more useful information such as tips for scribes or the jump judge's instruction booklet be sure to check out the Volunteer Resource page on the SGF website AND on the VIP sign up look for the icons pictured below for a 'position checklist' or a 'training video'. Although they might not be exactly how we do things at SGF but it will give you a good idea of what to expect.
Venue URL
The following URL is the direct link to the venue. Use this link to recruit volunteers on social media, eMail and your website.