Welcome Everyone!
As everyone knows, the sport of eventing cannot exist without volunteers to help run the event. Volunteers are the people who show up rain or shine, with smiles on, and who graciously give their free time to make sure everyone has a fun and safe day of sport. So this will be the first time, but most certainly not the last, that we say thank you.
Below is information to help you with whatever job you are doing on the day of the event. But as always, please contact us with any questions that you have that aren't answered below.
Volunteer Opportunities
Set-Up the Day Before the Event
Cross Country
Show Jumping
General Jobs
Volunteer Guidelines
Here are the links to the USEA Official Guidelines for Volunteers
Below is a list of basic guidelines to help volunteers on the day of the event.
The event cannot run without volunteers so please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Thank you and we look forward toseeing you at the event!