The MORVEN PARK FALL INTERNATIONAL & HT is October 13-15 this year.
This will be a huge event as it combines the regular fall HT with a CCI 2*S, 3*S, 4*S AND 4*L event.
We need volunteers at dressage, show jump, and cross country throughout the weekend. Come out to help and enjoy watching top competitors in action!
We deeply appreciate your work as a volunteer. Without informed volunteers we cannot offer the quality event that everyone has come to expect at Morven Park. Whether you are a "seasoned" hand or are joining us for the first time, we sincerely thank you for your help!
In addition to the chance to win wonderful prizes, Moven provides all assigned volunteers with lunches, drinks, and snacks as well as a Morven Park Mansion Pass and a Cross Country Schooling Pass. (Tentative open cross country schooling day is the Tuesday after the event.)
PLEASE NOTIFY US OF ANY CHANGE IN YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION.*** We will handle most of our event communication through
***Times are subject to change depending on entries and schedule changes. Additional information and updated briefing times will be sent out the week of the event.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email through this site or text Amy Geyer at 703-864-5977.