How to sign up

  • Step #1 to signup:  Click on the tab that says "Event Days,"  in blue. Determine the day(s) you are available to volunteer.  Days are listed in blue. Click on the day to see the positions available.
  • Select the sign-up button next to the shift you are interested in (please only sign up for 1 full day or 2 half day positions PER DAY
    • If there is no button, then that means that all slots for that position have been filled
  • Any special needs/requests, etc - please use the comments field to convey these - we will do our best to accommodate you.
  • When signing up for someone else, please put the person's name doing the position in the comments section.

NOTE:  We prefer to have full day volunteers where noted, however,  if you are only able to work a partial day, please add a comment on the signup or contact the Volunteer Coordinator below to see what accommodations can be made.