WindRidge Farm Fall H.T. (Oct 2024)
USEA Event ID: 18603
WindRidge Farm Fall H.T. | Mooresboro, North Carolina (AREA 2)Event Date: Oct 5 - 6, 2024 Open Date: Aug 20 Close Date: Sep 17
Address: 882 Goodes Creek Church Rd, Mooresboro, NC 28114. From SC via I-85 N:Take exit 78 for US 221 North toward Chesnee for 10.3 mi, turn right to continue on 221 North for 5.6 mile. Turn right onto Island Ford Rd for 1.1 mi, turn left onto Goodes Creek Church Rd for .7 mi. From Asheville NC take I-26 to US Hwy 74 East then take exit 178 to US 221 South towardChesnee 7.8 mi, Make a U-turn to return to make right turn onto IslandFord Rd for 1.1 mi, turn left onto Goodes Creek Church Rd for .7 mi. From Charlotte, NC via I-85 S: take exit 10 B to US 74 West 26.7 mi through Shelby, take exit 189 to NC 120 South 4.0 miles, turn left on US 221 Alt South for 1.0, turn right onto Island Ford Rd for 3.8 miles, turn right onto Goodes Creek Church Rd for .7 mi.
USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: PT,T,N,BN
USEF/USEA Recognized: I,IP,P
USEA Recognized Tests: CT-I,CT-P,CT-T,CT-N,CT-BN,CT-Starter,Starter,Intro
Tentative Schedule:
Fri: Cross-country course open-3 pm. Sat: Dressage-8:00 am on sand; Show Jumping-10:00 on grass. Sun: Cross-Country-8:00 am.
Starting Times:
Available after Oct 1. Times will be posted on the website and emailed. Be sure to include a valid email address that you actually check. Parents don't expect an email if you send an entry with your child's email address.
Event Officials
TD: Holly Matt, NC
POJ: Cindy DePorter, NC
Dressage Judge: Nancy Pope, SC; Carol Bishop, NC
SJ Judge: Sue Smithson, NC
CD: X-C: Rob Mobley, TN
SJ:Rob Mobley, TN
Entry Information
Send Entries to:
Avery Carlton, SecretaryWindRidge Farms Fall HT882 Goodes Creek Church RdMooresboro, NC 28114(828) 595-3950, 8 am-8pm E-mail: [email protected] If you prefer online entry, please use as it downloads directly into the competitions management software. Thanks! Do NOT send UPS, FEDX, DHL or US MAIL requiring signature upon delivery.ALL communication FROM secretary will be via E-MAIL. Please include LEGIBLE, VALID e-mail address that you actually check on entry form as entry confirmations, entry status and ride times will be is Draw checks to Windridge Farms
Org: Alicia Henderson, 882 Goodes Creek Church Rd, Mooresboro, NC 28114, (828) 595-3950, [email protected]
Event Fees Directory - see individual section for details. Draw checks to Windridge Farms All horses on grounds must be entered or registered as Non-competing.Entry: I/IP & P: $250.00; T/PT: $240; N/BN/Starter: $220; Grasshopper & Intro: $160.00.CT Entry: $100.00 all levels.Non-Competing horses: $50.00-must register with secretary and wear a bridle tag at all times while on grounds.Stabling: 10x10 stalls with doors on grounds $140.00. Tack Stall: $100.00.Bedding: $9.00 per bag. Camping: $90.00 for the weekend.Change Fee after Ride Times are Scheduled: $25.00.Refunds: Before CD-Less $25 non-refundable office fee; After CD- unfortunately entry & stabling refunded only if filled from wait list. USEA Starter/D&M Fee Refund Policy: The USEA Starter/D&M fee ($30), is not subjected to office fees, and shall be returned within 30 days of the competition to any rider who does not start the dressage test. Competition Cancellation-No refund.
Entry fee includes a $25 non-refundable office fee. Double Entries not accepted.
Refunds: Before CD-Less $25 non-refundable office fee; After CD - unfortunately entry & stabling refunded only if filled from wait list. Competition Cancellation-No refund. Changes & Withdrawals must be in writing and emailed to
[email protected]. Change Fee after closing:
$25.00USEA membership and horse registration required at all levels except Grasshopper and Intro. Grasshopper and Intro competitors are exempt from the USEA Starter/D&M Fee and any USEA membership/non-member fees. CT competitors must be USEA members or pay a $25 USEA non-member fee with entry; USEA Starter/D&M Fee does not apply. If oversubscribed, priority given to USEA members. Negative Coggins current through last day of competition must accompany entry. Entry Status and Ride Times will be posted at All posted times should be checked Saturday and Sunday mornings. There may be unanticipated changes. Post Entries may be accepted and must be accompanied by a $40 post entry fee. Inquire with the secretary before making a post entry.
Reminder: All USEF Life and Senior Active members, as well as participants who have regular contact with minor athletes, are required to comply with the U.S. Center for SafeSport training requirement, to be eligible to participate in the competition. All participants must adhere to the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code, USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information about these can be found at
Competitor Information
Prizes & 8 ribbons. Awards available outside office at completion of each division.
Stabling 10x10 Stabling with doors on grounds: $140 for weekend. Tack Stall: $100 for weekend. No initial bedding. Please pre-pay for bedding with entry $9.00 per bag. No grounds fee for ship-ins. You have the option to choose Stall Stripping Fee $20 (someone else cleans your stall) or choose to enclose a separate $50 Stall Cleaning Deposit (you clean your stall and the deposit is shredded). All horses on grounds must be entered or registered as Non-competing. Non-competing horse must pay registration fee of $50 and wear bridle # at all times.Veterinaran & Farrier: Tryon Equine 828-894-6065 Farrier - On call, # posted with Secretary and on Scoreboard.
Book NOW you are competing with Tryon International for hotel rooms. Baymont Inn-11mi (828) 287-8788
. Holiday Inn Express-11 mi., (828) 755-2000. Hampton Inn-11 mi. (828) 382-1001. Bed and Barn Farms, LLC (828) 248-4463, Local AirBNB Seven Oaks Farm Camping: $90 for the weekend.
Test & arena sizes: I/IP-2022 USEF Intermediate Test B; Standard. P/PT-2022 USEF Preliminary Test B-Sm.T-2022 USEF Training Test B-Sm. N-2022 USEF Novice Test B-Sm. BN-2022 USEF Beginner Novice Test B-Sm. Starter-2022 USEA Starter Test-Sm. Grasshopper:-2022 USEA Starter Test-Sm. Intro-2023 USDF Introductory Test C-Sm.
CT competitors ride the same tests as the HT competitors; Arenas: 2 Sand and 1 Grass.
Show Jumping: On grass.
I-3300m @ 550 mpm. IP/P-2900m @ 520 mpm.PT/T-2600m @ 450 mpm.N-2100m @ 400 mpm.BN-1800m @ 350 mpm, max fence height 2'7" may include bank and "pass through" water.Starter Division-approx1400 m @300 mpm, max fence height 2'3" optional "pass through" atwater. Intro Division-approx1400 m @275 mpm, max fence height 18" optional "pass through" atwater. Terrain: Rolling fields. All courses: Average, for horses withsome experience at these levels. Cross-country course closed September 11.
Other Information:
Cross-country course closed September 4.Levels may be divided/combined if entries warrant; state preferences under Eligible Section and birth date on entry form. Prize List on website. Food on grounds. Dogs must be leashed or crated.
Reminder:All USEF Life and Senior Active members, as well as participants whohave regular contact with minor athletes, are required to comply withthe U.S. Center for SafeSport training requirement, to be eligible toparticipate in the competition. All participants must adhere to the U.S.Center for SafeSport Code, USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the MinorAthlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information about these can befound at
Motorized Vehicles: No motorized vehicles on XC course.Article GR1301.7Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows themto operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside willnot be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including,but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utilityvehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minorswho have a valid temporary license may operate the above describedmotorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with avalid driver’s license. The parent/legal guardian or individual whosigns the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating amotorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible forany damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation.Violations of this rule will be cause for penalties against thoseresponsible for the child committing the offense. Wheelchairs and othermobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exemptfrom this rule.The unsafe use of personal electronic transport devices, asdetermined by the competition officials and management in their solediscretion, that do not require a driver’s license to operate, includingbut not limited to segways, hover boards, and single wheeled scootersis prohibited on competition grounds. Operating such devices in areaswhere people gather may be deemed “unsafe use” if there is a risk ofharm to others. If the operator of the device is a minor, theparent/legal guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as aparent or guardian of a minor operating the device in violation of thisrule is accountable and may be subject to penalties. Wheelchairs andother mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities areexempt from this rule.SUBCHAPTER EV-9 DRESS 1. PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR. a. At Federation licensed and endorsed Events, Athletes must wear headgear as follows, except as may otherwise be mandated by local law (see also GR801)b. Upon arrival, anyone riding a Horse must wear properly fitting protective headgear. The harness must be secured and properly fitted. See GR801.“Every class offered herein which is covered by the rules and specifications of the current USEF rulebook will be conducted and judged in accordance therewith.”